The 3.6 kW Hot PV™ Inverter can take up to 5.04kW of panels, and the 5 kW Hot PV™ Inverter can take up to 7 kw of panels. To work out the maximum number of panels, divide this number by the wattage of the panes you choose to use for your system -> e.g. 5.04 kW ÷ wattage of PV panels.
A minimum of 3 panels (equivalently 100 W) is required for the Hot PV™ Inverter to start generating power.
Our Hot PV™ Inverters have a floating voltage, so normal RCBOs will not work properly with the VOV™ technology in the inverter.
The Hot PV™ Controller and Hot PV™ Inverter both have a 5 year manufacturer’s warranty.
No. The Hot PV™ system is a completely separate, off-grid solar PV system. It does not need any network approvals to be installed. It is connected directly to the home’s hot water cylinder, with grid-backup for low sun days.
Yes. An existing customer who is not able to add more solar to the grid-connected system can install a Hot PV™ system targeted at their hot water service.
The Hot PV™ system has a programmable grid-backup controller to ensure that on low sun days, the home still gets the hot water they need through grid-up.
Instead of restricting export to the grid, the HotPV™ system is off-grid, and therefore does not need the grid to operate.