Some customers also may be unable to get more solar without affecting their “premium feed in tariff” arrangements. As a completely separate, stand-alone off-grid system, the Hot PV™ system does not affect premium FiT arrangements, and indeed frees up the electricity used to heat water during the day, so that this electricity can go back into the grid to earn more premium FiT.

Let’s explain further.

Existing systems would have received the “STC” rebates for installing solar.

These STC rebates hugely reduce the cost of panels to the homeowners. Often, these systems have reached the limit on how much “grid-connected” solar they are allowed to connect to their homes.

The HotPV™ system is a completely separate, off-grid solar PV system. Because of this, all of the panels are able to receive STC rebates.

Each additional panel is effectively “free” due to the rebates, so it makes sense to maximise the number of panels installed. Also, each additional panel is more income to you as the installer, but at no cost to the customers.

So whereas before the installer is unable to sell more solar PV to the existing customer because of network connection limits, the Hot PV™ system allows an installer to go back to all their existing customers and sell perhaps an even bigger solar PV system to them.

The Hot PV™ system has a programmable grid-backup controller to ensure that on low sun days, the home still gets the hot water they need through grid back-up.